
While poverty is an unfortunate situation, it is a reality for many people in our society.  I know last week I discussed how attending a gym is much better than working out at home, but the main focus for this week is what you can do from home to keep healthy and active on a budget.

Regardless of whether or not you have an exercise machine at home, there are still many things you can do to to keep up with your healthy lifestyle.  Here are some easy ways you can maintain your health from home:

1) Drink water! It is such a simple step towards a healthier life that many people forget how important it is.  It will not only flush out any toxins in your body, but it increases your energy, reduces your hunger, and maintains a regular digestive system.

2) Get 8 hours of sleep each night.  Sleeping is your body’s way of refreshing your energy.  If you are lacking energy, you can feel stress and too much stress can lead to weight gain.  Our bodies aren’t programmed to be constantly working.  We need to take the time to obtain proper rest so we can be energized to live our busy lives.

3) Walk more.  Walking can be just as beneficial as working out.  Whether you take a walk around the block each day, walk to the store or even walk up and down your stairs a few times, it’s better than sitting on the couch, doing nothing!  Any activity can help you achieve your goal of a healthy lifestyle.

4) Learn the difference between being full and being satisfied.  Overeating is a cause of weight gain.  Have you ever said “I’m stuffed” or “I’m so full, I can’t eat another bite”? If so, you’re eating too much.  Our stomachs don’t need to be filled to the point where we feel sick.  We only need to eat enough that we feel satisfied (or the hungry feeling is gone).

5) Exercise at home.  You don’t need fancy gym equipment to work out.  There are plenty of activities such as jumping jacks, lunges, squats, crunches, and as I mentioned earlier, walking, that can be done at home.  Just clear out a space, pick which ones you want to do and how many, and exercise.

You don’t need luxuries to live a healthy life.  All you need is dedication.


Sources: http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/6-reasons-to-drink-water

The “Dreaded” Trip to the Gym

We all know the struggle of going to the gym.  Do I have to go? Why can’t I do the work out at home? What if I see people I know? I don’t want to be embarrassed.

Going to the gym is about your personal health.  While you’re there, you don’t need to be worried about what others will think of you.  Constantly worrying will negatively affect your work out and mentality.  Just plug in your headphones, blast some music and go about your business.

Do the work out you feel comfortable doing.  If you look over and see someone using 10 lbs weights but you’re only using 3 lbs weights, use that as motivation.  You will get there in time.  So what if you can’t run as fast as the person next to you? Everyone starts somewhere.  Persistence is key on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.  If you focus on what you’re doing, you will get better and better each time you go. Figure out what machines you like, try different varieties of lunges, squats and sit ups and you will soon have yourself a routine.

You might be thinking, if I already have a routine and a machine at home, why can’t I just work out there? The answer is, you can.  But I sometimes find it difficult to motivate myself to work out at home.  There are a lot of distractions and I find myself making excuses like, “I need to empty the dishwasher” or “I should go start cooking dinner, I can always come back and finish working out later”.  Most of the time, I don’t finish my work out if I do it at home.  At home there are a lot of different tasks that could take place.  Where as the gym is a destination dedicated to one action: working out.  It also has this atmosphere that is really indescribable.  But whenever I am there I feel motivated and when I leave I am always in a happy mood.  I feel accomplished and ready to take on whatever obstacles the world may throw at me.

Going to the gym is a very important part of living a healthy lifestyle.  Not only will you start to see changes in your body but you will feel more energized throughout the day.  Always remember, it’s your workout and you have to be the one to decide which routine is best for you.  So the next time you’re at the gym, focus on yourself, drink plenty of water and work hard!

“Suffering becomes beautiful when anyone bears great calamities with cheerfulness, not through insensibility but through greatness of mind” -Aristotle

In order to achieve greatness, one must suffer through some sort of pain or difficulty.  Since the beginning of time it’s been a well known fact nothing worth having comes on its own. Even the cavemen knew hard work hunting during the day would reward them with food at night.

Survival of the fittest; This work ethic has been a staple in our world and has helped us to evolve as a society.  You’re probably thinking, is this a history lesson? No, but history has taught us this instinct we all have can work to our advantage if we apply it correctly.

Just a quick history example: During the Ice Age, almost 15,000 years ago, humans needed to discover a way to deal with the harsh conditions, or else they would die.  Using animal hide, they created clothes and shelter.  And they were conservative with their food.  They survived the ice age because of smart decisions and resourcefulness.

Obviously, we aren’t having an Ice Age anytime soon.  However, learning from situations in the past can be helpful when we are faced with a tough situation.  If you are feeling unmotivated to start your new healthy lifestyle, use your resources!  The internet is full of knowledgeable sites [  like this one (:  ] to help you get started.  And always remember, the great

Next week look forward to a post about the sometimes “dreaded” trip to the gym!



Source: http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/past-exhibitions/human-origins/the-history-of-human-evolution/life-during-the-ice-age


I’m Nicole, and blogging is a whole new world to me.  I decided to start this blog as a way for many of us “Wanna Be Health Freaks” to learn and become inspired to live life in a fit, active, and health conscious way.  I know it’s not easy as I’ve struggled with health and fitness for most of my short life.  Yeah, maybe paying a nutritionist or a fitness instructor is quicker but this way, you can be satisfied that you are trying to do the best for your life in a way that can work for you.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m no professional.  But I do understand the struggle many of you go through daily.  I’ve struggled with my weight since I was a child.  You would constantly see me dieting and I always was told by my mother and grandmother to avoid carbs, sugar, and anything that will make you bloat.  It wasn’t until recently I realized you NEED these food groups in your diet.  Over time I’ve learned dieting isn’t just eating healthy and exercising for a short period of time.  A diet is the way in which you eat permanently!

Living a healthy life means eating every food group and staying active.  Even eating the “fat gaining” foods in moderation is okay.  Too much of anything isn’t good.  My hope is that through this blog, you will be inspired to change your lifestyle in favor for one that is healthful and active.